Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It always seems to be raining when I either drive home or back to North East. I think I have only have driven without rain about three to four times. But this time not only was it raining but foggy and gloom. I could barely see the cars around me or what surround the road. My vision being lessened I had to really focus on the road. It made me centered.

This got me thinking sometimes in life we find ourselves on a road and being distracted and fall away. But with the fog blinding me it took away from what i could see it guided my vision to the center to the end goal of getting back to sandy cove. I feel like a lot of the time I get so distracted by whats around me, I take away from what God has for me. My faith or purpose should guide me, center me like the fog did. My sin leads me astray but the with a mission or purpose it can be centered like the fog did to my driving.

I'm finding that's one of the reasons Sandy Cove is so blessed. The mission drives everything and everyone. A mission can be so powerful and empowering. Christ gave all of us a mission a purpose and there is power in that, and i need to keep that in mind. When Paul said he does the things he does not want to do, I have come to understand that all to well. I war within myself. But the mission as Mark P. Fisher would explain is a sword it has a point and is driving.

I would hope that my life would always be driven by a sword, that being Christ and his word. That i would always seek which is good. And I hope that for whoever reads this.

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