Friday, October 14, 2011


We were asked to pick something to fast from the past six weeks. Ill be honest when i first thought of this i wanted to say what wont hurt the most. I knew i was not having the right spirit about it whatsoever. I knew i had to pick something that i did alot and i came to Facebook. It was something i could give up, something i could live without.

I feel that i made it an idol, every time i got on the internet i was checking Facebook. So i gave it up because it was something that consumed my time. But it didn't hurt, it didn't make me think oh hey im not on Facebook. I did learn tho that there are alot of things in ours lives that we hold to highly and put value you on. And that there is so much better things to be spending time on.

Next week we are pick something new to fast from, and i will consider deeply the next thing i pick. I want to pick something interrupts my day so i am drawn to the Cross.

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