Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Have you ever looked up?

From my title you may be wondering what the heck is this about? It's a simple question, have you ever looked up? the answer is not so simple. Because sure you have looked up plenty of times in life. You hear a plane you look up, playing baseball you look up to catch it, look at the stars or watch a sunset. But what have i mean is have you ever looked up at actually looked, looked at the details of the workmanship of God?

This past weekend us convergers were back in West Virginia closing down Camp Sandy Cove. The last time i was there i enjoyed myself greatly but didn't take the time to take in what was around me. Didn't pause and just look and listen.

When people say, look at creation to see God, and the thought comes to my mind, oh stop being a cliche Christian, sometimes things are cliche for a reason. I was in awe of how beautiful and detailed each and ever cloud and tree was as i just look around and had a moment of worship. I kept praying God reveal yourself. And i found Him in the cool air that cooled as we worked, the trees giving shade in the heat, the clouds passing overhead, the sun staying out keeping the rain away, the soft grass, the flowers, ever little thing made with design. How vast the sky is my mind could not comprehend only the creator could have.

As we drove down the road surrounded by trees i thought how many times in life do we forget to look up? Look up from our daily lives to see what God has done and is doing. We get so distracted that we forget to take time to look. God is always present we just need to stop and look.

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