Thursday, September 22, 2011

How do we feel accepted by God?

Have you ever wondered how you know you're loved by God? Or wondered how he shows it? Wondered what we do to find His love. This is something I am wondering as we read the God cookie tonight and this subject made me stop and think.

A character in the story was motivated by God working in his life, he was motivated by doing, action. Another said the last time she believed in God when her father for no reason said he loved her, she found love in affirmation. This not far from the truth for many Christians in our walk with God, we all find affirmation in different ways. How many of us yearn for someone to notice what we do within the church by its members. But is this a good thing or should we check our motives? Are we to do works so that the Father takes notice, hoping that by praying for someone we are blessed in return. Motives can be a trap that we unknowingly fall to.

I can be caught up in being selfish because of the want of gain or recognition. Christ did not come to serve but to serve. Serving does not ask or entail being told thank you but is understood as a gift. God does not look how to accept but has already done so on the cross. We are loved from the creator from the start no need to find acceptance from someone who accepts us with our sin. So why struggle to find out how we are loved when from the start we already are. Why not try the best we can by living out what we were created for, worship and to try and live out our faith as faithful servants. Not expecting but watching God work.

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