Monday, January 16, 2012

I Get It, I'm desperate.

Remember going to summer camps and getting on that spiritual high (most likely from all the Mountain Dew) going crazy for God and saying I am gonna change? Do you remember the week after when your like crap I need to go back to camp to get back on fire, or maybe to go back and see the girl you met at the mud pit. Either way you realized something is wrong and you start wondering did I hear God. I was that kid. I didn't take it serious and God has way of getting our attention. I remember finally growing out of that and saying alright God faith needs a little WD-40 and spit to work I cant just sit around.

After that moment God hasn't given up on showing me more and more of Him and making me work. I have seen God work but for the longest time I would always say to my mom; I don't understand how people say they hear God I don't hear him. I struggled with this idea, was I not good enough, was I not strong enough in my faith, was it just that I was spiritually hard of hearing, was I to go light a bush on fire and hope God would talk to me? I was so lost on this concept.

I finally got it, I had my duh moment. So when I prayed, hey God I am thinking that I want to go college, and I don't know where. You send people I have never met or told of my plans and they say go to LBC and you provide the money maybe that's you talking. Or I say God I am broken show me what you want from my life and what you are trying to teach me. And I can't pick up the bible or my devotional book without you saying abide in me and I will overfill your cup if you trust in me. Maybe I should listen, maybe I get it.

God has been so good to me and I have overlooked it. God has blessed us with life each and everyday, is it to much to ask for us to be desperate for him, I mean he only paid for us with his son. Do you wake up each and everyday saying, I can't wait to meet with my Father. I know that's a question I wasn't asking for a long time and now I don't know why God didn't just slap me. As much as you value each breath you should value God ten times more. God is speaking just take time and listen. He desires us more than anything, why do you think love is so talked about in the bible. For he so loved, so why cant you? Listen and be desperate for a father who loves you. God will show you the plans he has for your life.

So next time you think, I wish God would call just look around you might feel dumb and have a duh moment because God is trying to show you something. Seek first the Kingdom and then live it.

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