Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where is the love?

The past couple days I have gotten to spend it at Camp Hebron at the sectionals for CCCA. I will be honest going into it I was not looking forward to it but it is funny how times like that you get surprised and learn so much. We had the honor of hearing Duffy Robbins speak, and man did he speak and hit me with a new truth each time.

One example in particularly that he spoke on hit me like a brick. He said that when speaking to a group at an event he had a young girl come up on the stage and act like she was holding a cup of water and he bumped into her and said hey you spilled. He asked her, do you know what came out of that cup? Looking at him confused, she said water because that is what was inside it. Duffy then proceeded to say imagine if you being filled with the holy spirit and someone bumps into you, what comes out? What if that was a truth for us all. What if when someone bumped into you and Christs love came out, the grace of God came out. What if the irrational passion of a Father that came and humbled himself and died came out. How radical of a thought and sad to think that doesn't always happen. Is this something that can be accomplished? Is it possible that when you get cut off on the highway or wrongly judged to show Christ and love? Is it possible that when you are outside of church and life happens that you could be a christian and act like Christ? Or did I miss the part in Sunday school where it says the world shall over come?

No! Christ is greater and is greater still and should be in our lives. Being Christlike is not something that is easy. It is not all rainbows and sunshine, it comes at a cost. And the hardest thing to do is to love those around you, but why?

Another story that impacted me this weekend goes as such: There is a block party and this guy who is there enjoying the party and food is talking with some people. Some time goes on and he feels a tug on his shirt, he looks down to find a girl of about the age of 2 with arms held high. We understand this as the sign for hold me. He has no idea who this little girl is or who she belongs to. His fingers covered in sauce says not now honey I am busy. Time goes by and a little bit later he feels a tug at his shirt. It is the same girl, again he says not now I am busy. He then proceeds to watch as she goes around the table only to be denied each time. He is wondering where is this girls mother, her father? He soon forgets and engages back into conversation. Some time later he looks up to see a man jump in the pool with all his clothes on, people rushing over. Naturally he does the same to see what is going on. To find the man pulling a small body from the water to the side as quick as he can. People are trying to breath life into this small body which he now sees is the little girl. By the time they herd the sounds of the EMS they knew she was gone. Now emotions flowing, this man who had denied her twice of attention is thinking why. He finds out a few days later that this was not the first time that the girl had jumped in a pool. Her mother was marrying a guy who did not want her and so she did not receive love, so to get attention she would jump in the pool. Only this time no one noticed.

Who in your life is reaching out for love and you are not showing it? Are we letting those that are around us drown? Are we showing the love of God? This was something I wrestled with. Not only had I been challenged with when people interact with me is Christ coming out, but now I am being asked am I truly loving through Christ? Because apart for God I can do nothing. My world was being shaken, my heart hoping that people in my life felt that I loved on them. But the reality of seeing I can do better and show the love of Christ better.

The kingdom of God is already here in the way we reach out to others. One day we will see the physical kingdom but we can represent the kingdom in how we live. Christ likeness is not saying how can I be perfect, but how can I serve others, reach out to the needy and represent the Father. It is obedience to Christ and saying I want for nothing. Saying that my heart is at the plow but ready for the alter. I will do the work of God until He calls me home. And why? Because He loved and didn't have to. So I ask why love, because God has called you to. Speak life and love into peoples lives, don't let your neighbor drown while you have the peace that is Christ.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


  1. "What if when someone bumped into you and Christs love came out, the grace of God came out."
    What a truth. Thanks for sharing what is on your heart Jules. Honestly while reading I got abit defensive. I already feel the pressure to show love in my life. I can't show everyone love 24/7. There is My family need of love during this ugly divorce, My husbands family needs love, plus step family and then there is church and the need to volunteer and show the love to youth. And my husband. But then ...."apart from God I can do nothing" oh silly Lauren it isn't my love these people crave it is Christ's love. And if I'm receiving this love then like that cup it should be over flowing. Another reminder to be in the word and walk with the Spirit so my heart continues to stay full. Blessing Julius. Love ya bro =D

    1. Hey Lauren thanks for be honest and sharing. Isnt the truth of seeing that its God love and not ours that is needed. There is no way we can love enough, But God, His love is neverending and if we are doing that then we are doing more than we know. It is not our job to say God make me happy or perfect but to ask to be made holy in Christ. Thanks again for the comment. Love ya too. Be in prayer for you.
